Sterifab Protects from Viruses
The EPA-Approved Virus-Killer and Disinfectant
EPA-approved, Sterifab is specially formulated to destroy an extensive range of disease-causing viruses, bacteria and other harmful microorganisms and pathogens. Among industry professionals, Sterifab is the go-to product used for disinfecting, getting rid of mildew, and killing pests in homes, schools, resorts, transportation departments, offices, retail, and manufacturing facilities. On the market for more than 50 years, Sterifab spray is odorless and leaves no trace, meaning 15 minutes after application, people and animals can return to the treated room and get right back to life as normal.
Because Sterifab is so effective in eradicating viruses and bacteria, it’s also frequently used in hospitals, ERs, and emergency medical transportation services. In fact, for many years it’s been the sanitization agent of choice in medical facilities because it is EPA-approved and meets the rigorous requirements demanded of ant-bacterial and antiviral agents. Additionally, Sterifab is biodegradable, which is important in health care facilities since it leaves no operational constituents.

How Does Sterifab Work as a Virucide?
A scientist once observed that viruses teeter on the boundaries of what is considered life, but that doesn’t prevent them from being extremely dangerous on occasion. These microscopic parasites, far smaller than bacteria, have been responsible for many a contagion, among them the 2014 ebola outbreak in West Africa, the 2009 H1N1/swine flu pandemic and of course COVID-19. (Read more about using Sterifab to kill coronavirus.)
Virucides like Sterifab are:
Chemical substances that attack and deactivate the extracellular viral particles (or virions) of a particular strain of virus.
They work by damaging the viron’s protein capsid or supercapsidal membrane.
They can also penetrate the virion itself, destroying its genetic material.
Virucidal agents are often used in a number of ways, including:
Environmental disinfectants (the most traditional use).
Sterilizing of biological products for parenteral administration, e.g. blood, blood products, medicinals, etc.
Eliminating viruses from food, sanitary products and cosmetics (not a recommended use for Sterifab).
How to Use Sterifab as a Virucide
As an effective virucide, Sterifab can be used to clean and disinfect an enormous variety of surfaces, and it is specifically designed to kill common pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
1. Spray Sterifab onto hard surfaces and wait until they dry naturally.
2. If you’re in a hurry, simple wait 10 seconds and then carefully wipe down the sprayed surface.
3. You can also use Sterifab to get rid of viruses on mattresses, upholstered furniture, carpets, and other porous surfaces.
Note: Never use Sterifab on people, pets, and food-related items as kitchen utensils, including pots, pans, dishes and cutlery.
Note: Never use Sterifab on people, pets, and food-related items as kitchen utensils, including pots, pans, dishes and cutlery.

Why Use Sterifab to Kill Viruses?
In two words: Versatility and reliability, plus it’s easy to use, potent, crystal clear and odorless.
And it has added benefits as well. In addition to killing the viruses and acting as a strong disinfectant, Sterifab will also get rid of any pests including lice, ticks, dust mites, bed bugs and scabies and more. EPA-approved, Sterifab is registered as a multipurpose disinfectant, fungicide, and cleansing agent that also eliminates mold and mildew.
Finally, Sterifab is a non-residual spray that deodorizes as it disinfects, ridding your home, car or office, of viruses and bacteria. First introduced in 1967, Sterifab is the go-to product for professionals and one of the most effective insecticides, disinfectants and virucide in-one.
Don Haynes, a commentator with MSNBC, called Sterifab “a super mixture of virucide, bactericide, fungicide, insecticide, germicide, and 5 or 6 other ingredients."
Sterifab is precisely engineered to:
Destroys micro-organisms
Kills fungus
Kills viruses
Kills mold and mildew
Kills germs and disinfects
Destroy pathogenic odors
Plus, it not only reduces the level of microorganisms from a variety of sites, but also functions as a bacteriostatic ̶ inhibiting bacterial growth ̶ and as a highly effective fungistatic, preventing otherwise hard-to-control fungal growth.
Advantages of Using Sterifab as a Virucide
Sterifab is a genuinely all-purpose disinfectant and, unlike many other similar products, has a number of features that make it ideal for a multitude of uses. It:
Is effective and convenient to use
Does not stain
Has no added perfume
Has no objectionable odor
Is fast-drying
Is crystal clear
Does not harm fabrics or carpets
Is one of the only non-residual products labeled for use on mattresses and upholstered furniture

How to Choose the Best Virucide
Is it really effective?
Yes. Sterifab is truly effective. Wherever you need a virucide ̶ be it a school, an office, a healthcare facility, a hotel, or a retirement home – Sterifab can easily and effectively be used in all of these locations. One of the huge benefits of Sterifab over other products is that it’s non-residual and odorless. 15 minutes after application, people and pets can safely return to the room.
Read more about Sterifab and coronavirus.