What Are Mites?
Mites may be among the most wide-spread creatures on the planet; they are certainly among the most diverse. They can survive in a wide array of habitats and, because of their small size, they largely go unnoticed. Remarkably, there are over 48,00 known species of mites.
The vast majority of mite species are harmless to humans, but some are far from benign. In fact, more than 250 million people become afflicted with mites each year. They can be found in hair follicles and the sebaceous (oil) glands on the skin, often near the nose, the eyebrows and eyelashes.
That's why it is so hard to get rid of mites! Luckily, Sterifab is an effective, nonresidual mite killer, and you can use it on almost any type of surface.
How to Get Rid of Mites
Here's how to get rid of mites in 5 easy steps:
Remove any clutter from your home, including stacks of paper and laundry piles.
Treat all affected areas with Sterifab.
Vacuum and dust regularly. Don't skip the sofa, drapes or carpets.
Cover your bed, mattress and pillow with dust-proof covers.
Wash all sheets, towels and bedding frequently, in HOT water.
Why You Want to Get Rid of Mites
In addition to finding their way into hair and skin, mites also inhabit other parts the body, such as the ears, in ear wax, on the scalp, and in skin folds.
While, for some human hosts, tiny mites cause no symptoms at all, there are also those who, for a variety of reasons, are unluckily prone to infestation by these minuscule insects. More ominously, the few species of mites that are able to live on humans, can transmit diseases or cause allergenic disorders.
Getting rid of mites is not as hard you think. Sterifab is a highly effective mite treatment that you can use to protect yourself, your family and visitors to your home. After all, you never know who might have a mite allergy.

Just as there are many different types of mites there are also a multitude of places they can call home. Members of the arachnid family, they can be found in bedding, carpets, air ducts, dusty attics, plants, and animals of various kinds. They are particularly fond of crowded and congested environments, such as nursing homes, day care centers and college dormitories. In fact, they can be found virtually anywhere and it can be tricky to know how to get rid of mites.
Mites won’t go away on their own. Sterifab, for one, is what gets rid of them. Best of all, Sterifab not only eliminates mites, but is also highly effective against bedbugs, lice, fleas, and a host of other insects. Best of all, you can use it virtually anywhere:
Hospitals, emergency rooms and ambulances
Veterinarians and animal kennels
Hotels and motels
Churches and other houses of worship
Retirement Homes
Day camps
How Do You Know If You Have a Mite Infestation?
In addition to getting rid of mites and other insects, Sterifab:
Deodorizes and controls odor-causing organisms
Sanitizes and deodorizes restrooms.
Is one of the only non-residual products labeled for use on mattresses and upholstered furniture.
Dries in 15-20 minutes, is biodegradable, and leaves no residue
Sterifab can be used on everything ̶ except people, animals and cooking utensils
Sterifab can be used as a mite treatment on practically any inanimate object or location, and there are no other U.S EPA-registered products that can boast so many uses – viricide, bactericide, sanitizer, insecticide, deodorant, germicide, disinfectant, mildewcide, fungicide, bacteriostatic or fungistatic.
Why Use Sterifab?